
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?


I don't really know how to say any of the things I want to say, but I also did not want to have my diary full of mundane personal whining here.

We are in trouble as a planet and I really should not be complaining about skinning my knees or losing a can of seltzer water.

Saturday night I was sitting in a booth in my favorite bar with my favorite boy and his brother, and they were telling me in very confindent voices that we were not going to go to war anytime soon, at least not with afghanistan. They said all manner of reassuring things about it. My favorite boy even at one point looked in my eyes and said "Don't worry baby" and I was moved to NOT WORRY.

So I did not worry all night and all the next day, despite the fact that while i was not worrying planes were moving in and sighting their targets and getting ready to destroy.

And I did not even manage to hear about it until around 7pm when I looked at J*'s site and saw what she wrote.

I did not turn on the television. I looked online a little and saw what I expected.

I am concerned I suppose that so many other countries are jumping on our bomb dropping, troop moving band wagon.

Because although having allies is good, polarizing the planet is NOT.

AND that is what is happening, right now, in a part of the world most of us can not even really conceive of.

I have to go to work and I have to live my life and all I really want to do is crawl back into my flannel sheet velvet comforter fairytale world and rock myself to sleep.

Imagine there's no isn't hard to do

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