
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?


having new friends is so exciting! having someone new to tell stories to, show all your photo albums to, cook salmon for, listen to new perspectives of. MIF came over this evening and we drank black label out of glasses and listened to Silly Wizard and the Jam and Cuban music and we looked at photo albums and talked a blue streak and ate salmon and this weird pasta which I would be tempted to call stoner pasta although I was NOT stoned when I cooked it, and leafed through the DREADED SHEILA LUKINS COOKBOOK, and talked more and learned more ways in which we are similar. It's comfortable and GOOD. She said at one point that she felt that life is better than ever right now and although I can not agree with THAT, I do have to say that life is pretty damn fine.

I called my father and invited him to see Andy Stewart with me,,,,,he may not make it due to bowling. But I felt big and brave making the call .

I am now really frightened by the number of people who are looking for gwyneth. I had 71 hits today, people, and I normally only get 30. More than half of these hits were google searches for gwyneth. It's getting worse than the germans searching for you know what.


I just polished off a bowl of microwave kettlepop corn. It was good in a way which is very different from actual kettlecorn. Totally addictive though, just like the real thing.

The light has burned out in my overhead fixture in the bedroom now. My bedroom is too messy to invite someone tall in to fix it, so I imagine I am going to be teetering on a chair sometime in the next few days.

These things are just coming into my mind randomly,,,, and no, I am still not stoned.

tee hee.

silver is precious, gold is too

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