
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?

June 24, 2002

The $25,000 question of the moment is---do I have enough cash to order a pizza and some coke from the pizza place so that I do not have to put on clothes and leave the house in order to have food and beverage?

Because right now, I am in my Blanche DuBois/Def Leppard video black slip and I am, as the belles would say, GLOWING profusely and I can not imagine putting another article of clothing on my body. So I want the pizza boy to go out in the haze and bring me pizza and especially a giant container of coke.

I suffered greatly this past week in a largely Pepsi environment.

I will not try to argue objectively, I will just state for the record that to me, pepsi tastes like coke which has been allowed to sit and become flat and sugary for a few days. I doubt you could dissolve a nail in a pepsi. It doesn't have the huevos. If I am going to drink a soft drink, I want it to go right to work destroying my stomach lining.

So, besides suffering from coke deprivation I had a pretty good time, in general. The meeting was WAY TOO LONG. The first half was training on the new register system we are getting, and we spent that portion of time at the Hyatt in lovely Oakbrook, IL. I am kidding. I mean, I guess it is lovely, if you worship the corporate ideal. For instance, if you wanted to check out what is really going down at Blistex this would be the place to go. Or Citibank, or McDonalds even. The only thing in Oakbrook which was not corporate headquarters was a giant open air mall. That is where we spent our evenings, enjoying fine shopping and dining at Houlihans. Again, kidding. Our last night in Oakbrook, a small group of managers from my region(the REBELS) went to a sports bar to play darts, video golf, and the jukebox. We (the four of us) rang up a $200 bar tab. We were proud. We played about 27 holes of video golf. We played countless games of cricket. I threw darts, people, and some of them stuck. Some of them even stuck in the right place.

I also sang kareoke.

I also danced to IT TAKES TWO with one of the manager boys who doesn't get out much on account of all his kids. So we partied it up.

Then we moved to the downtown Marriot. MIchigan Ave. Again with the shopping, although this time I am not kidding as the downtown Marriot is attached to the Virgin Megastore and across the street from the Harley Davidson shop. I was able to get my honeygirl a harley shirt and myself a harley lighter and I hung out with two of my favorite manager girls and we looked at the wide selection of harley items for DOGS. Hee hee.

And the Virgin Megastore, I dont know if I even want to talk about. I got some good stuff. And I got a CD player which actually works as opposed to the one I got in my store the day before I left for the trip, which did not. I am sure that as time goes by I will feel comfortable telling you how much money I spent in the Virgin Megastore world beat area. But not just yet.

So there was training and there were group activities and I didn't enjoy it all that much. There was a survivor theme, and as I dont really care for survivor it was hard for me to get PSYCHED.

The final event was a motivational speaker who talked about this place in Seattle which is a fish market, and how the employees have made it the best place in the whole universe by having fun at work. I sat next to the new company president for this presentation, and he seemed to enjoy it, so I am hoping that is a good sign for the company. I like to have fun at work, and I seem to do a good job.

Then came the awards part. Then came the part where I had to get up on the stage in front of all the people from all the stores in the country. I lost my shoe on the way, right there on the big screen. I had to shake hands with the president and the CFO and the whole home office team. I got a giant glass pyramid and I had to have my picture taken. It is a pretty award, but there is unfortunately no cash value. I would have taken $60 in Virgin Megastore gift certificates. But nah.

Then I came home. The plane was broken and they had to find a new plane. It meant sitting in the Chicago airport for a long long time.

There are a lot of things I need to do in my home, but I don't imagine they will get done in the heat.

I think the pizza man will come, and then we'll see.

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