
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?

October 25, 2002

Okily dokily, now my head is just way too full of difficult thoughts. I was planning to do some hardcore cleaning and laundry last night, and then my honeygirl called to tell me she had passes to see the new Michael Moore movie. I figured, I might as well see it now, while I can't get to sleep anyways because of Jello and all the things he said, so we went. It was the same sort of mental paralysis inducing talk---my god people, Lockheed corporation running state welfare programs???---that I was unable to really react to it. It was nice to go with my honeygirl who is a pro-gun gal. It was very nice that Michael Moore, who is a lifetime member of the NRA, dealt very sensitively with the fact that everyone who is progun is not some kind of Heston-style wacko(and believe you me, he really IS wacko. I had no idea the extent of his wackosis)

Michael Moore also talked to alot of very cool people in Canada, where they have like 65 gun deaths per year, in a country with 7 million guns.

One very smart girl said something along the lines of "the difference between canada and the united states is that you solve problems by fighting and we solve problems by negotiating." Wow.

I am officially envious of my sissy, who although she no longer really has dual citizenship, was born a goofy newfie.

After the movie we went to gullifty's for fish dinners. To improve our brain power. The salmon was ok, not the great salmon I have been craving all week. I may just have to go to wholey's today and cook my own damn salmon. Who knows. I definitely plan to go to the co-op for tofu and to the laundry mat and also I plan to clean clean clean my room. Wish me luck.

So my honeygirl has gone to GENDER MOUNTAIN(in joke) for some hunting gear, so she and my favorite boy can go to beaver creek and catch some squirrels. I just think that is so damn cute.

Oooh...and the maple leaf. I think if every american drank a maple leaf there would be a lot less killing in the world.

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