
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?

January 15, 2003

Dear Nova:

Size and Stamina DO Matter! She is only trying to save your feelings when she says she doesn't care!!!

This was the first message in my inbox this morning, cleverly disguised as a message to Nova, from a real person, with a last name and everything, with an attachment. Obviously my spam filter is for the birds. Obviously this Melanie person knows something I don't.

If I were to ask my honeygirl whether or not size and stamina DO matter she would no doubt giggle and look at me like I am from space. Does this mean she is only trying to save my feelings?

I wonder how many relationships spam of this sort is ruining?

Let me tell you a little secret: a few years ago, I was a die-hard reader of cutting edge MENS magazines such as Maxim, Stuff, and Details. I read them because the writing was always amusing in an intellectual/juvenile way. I had to stop eventually, because I found myself second guessing and mistrusting all my male friends. When someone I genuinely cared about said something sweet, I immediately thought that he must have some ulterior motive, having to do with sex and/or beer. ( the final straw came when I read an article in Gear about how to get your girlfriend to "submit" to anal sex---basically the advice was to "surprise" her, because every nice girl will protest but once you stick it to her she will beg for it always.) I wonder if any straight dudes reading that imagined themselves in that position? probably not. And furthermore, do you think there was any mention of lube? No. At least if a gay guy was going to "surprise" a straight boy who was protesting, he would probably have the good sense to use lube. It makes it easier on all parties considered, trust me.

And now that we have started the morning with a short lecture on buggery, I leave you with this pleasant thought: I do not have to stay at the bookstore for 12 hours today. As a matter of fact, I might get out after only 9 hours. Probably closer to 10, but still. I might get to do the dishes that have piled up in my sink since saturday!

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