
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?

Monday, Sept. 15, 2003

Now I am officially bummed.

I am sitting here wolfing down a bratwurst burger and some salt and vinegar pringles, listening to lightrock radio lovesong request hour, while waiting for a batch of dishes to dry and mentally wording an email to a slightly insane person for whom we are going to be doing a bit of catering(and perhaps more to come, if she proves to be less insane than she appears right now.)

I just clicked on to see that I am right this minute missing Rebecca Gates. Well, maybe not right this minute, but by the time I got down there she would probably be well under way, and I would not get all the things done tonight that I had planned. Damn it. This being one's own boss is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it is great to set my own hours. On the other hand, I tend to set my hours to ALL THE DAMN TIME. These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of catering and catering-related meetings, and my head is still spinning. I totally spaced Rebecca Gates, my hugest K records crush.

Oh well---I did sneak out on myself to see Once Upon A Time In Mexico. Johnny was fabulous, and I very much appreciated the homage to Edward Scissorhands. (you will have to see it to know what I am talking about)I was all a flutter over Antonio Banderas in the gunslinger role. Why does he ever play anything besides outsider weapons masters? He is perfect for these roles. Mostly I love Ruben Blades and it was great to see him play such a heartfelt role. The movie is very lush and dark and lovely. There is a lot of shooting and bloodshed, but it did not ruin the movie for me because I was totally rooting for the desperado(it is sort of like that Butch and Sundance movie in that way for me) I highly recommend it. Something for everyone.

Saturday night I had a LUPEC tarot gig, which was not terribly busy, but I rocked some people's worlds and that makes it all worth the hassle. I had one of those perfect tarot moments--a guy sat down and told me he was really depressed as I was shuffling the cards, and the Five of Cups flew right out of the deck and landed in front of him. Whoa. I said, "the universe would like to point out that you are focusing on the negative in front of you, while there is positive around that you just don't see." I tried to be more tactful than the tarot was being. The tarot was pretty obviously saying "stop crying over spilt milk." But sometimes the job of the tarot reader is to tone it down to make it more palatable.

Sunday morning we had the Cuban brunch. The Cuban brunch kicked our asses like the extra special brunches always do. The food was great but the people all came in one huge wave right at the begining (I guess they took "come early" to heart) and although it was fantastic to have an extra helper in the kitchen, it made things even more frantic than usual. We kept asking her to do things like crack a flat of eggs into a pan to scramble, but unfortunately there were NO SURFACES on which to do so. She was resourceful, and we did as well as could be expected, but man, were we IN THE WEEDS for a while. I was only too happy to let me honeygirl grill me some bratwurst patties after that.

And then today, I had more food protection school and my test. The test, although multiple choice, was CHALLENGING. A good number of the questions were worded in such a way that I could have easily been tricked into picking the wrong one. I THINK I was too wiley though. I have to wait 4-6 weeks to find out for sure.

Also, I have gotten all friendster happy all of a sudden. I figured out how to scan and upload some pictures and then I went out searching for friends. It is fun, but still slightly weird. I keep hoping to accidentally find someone I knew a long time ago with whom I can reconnect. I'll keep you posted.

Lastly, I can not wait for the Outkast double album. I have a copy reserved for whenever it finally comes out, but each day I get a little more excited.

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