
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?

Monday, Jun. 21, 2004

Well now. I am settling in to the treehouse tiki apartment. I have hooked up the stereo, and unpacked a lot of things onto the built in brick altar/hearth, and unpacked a lot of the kitchen stuff, and cleared a path through the remaining boxes and bags so that I can get to the CDs in the corner. Ah. I have also done some catering and cooking for myself here, as well as a nice big expensive shopping trip to McGuinness Sisters.

It's all coming along.

However, this two jobs plus catering thing is getting to me. I have a headache that just won't quit, and it made my actual day off yesterday less than the restful lovely day it should have been. Grr. I keep telling myself that the money will be great, and that I have all the time in the world to get my house together...but I just wish I could focus on it NOW. It makes me so happy to be here, I want to get it all finished right away so I can invite others to share the joy. Sigh.

This week features another catering job for which I have to spend my evenings preparing stuff, but that will also be some prime laundry time. AND, due to the fantastic orientation of my place, I can watch TV while cooking. I watched cooking shows while cooking on Saturday and it made me so happy I could not stop grinning. Maybe that's why I have the headache? Too much grinning?

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