
Quiet Storm
Roxie 77

Pittsburgh ?
Bi and Proud ?

March 06, 2003

Well, the diaryland server was busy, and then I ended up writing a big long email to my sissy and my priest about last night's CHURCH, so I am not going to repeat it all again. Let's just say I am HOOKED. I loved it and I especially loved going to the Quiet Storm and making hummus and curried sweet potato soup first. That was awesome. And then at the end of the night I cooked pasta for me and my honeygirl, too. This not being lazy thing is off to a rip roarin start!

Today I am supposed to have a date with my guitar artist. If that falls through I am going to continue to not be lazy by cleaning one of the rooms of my home. Oh, who will be the lucky one?? I am voting for Mr Cavernous Bathroom, because it is easiest to make a measurable and notable difference in there. Although Ms Tiny Kitchen really needs a good sweep and mop, as well as plenty of attention to Cousin Sinkful of Dishes. All in due time, my friends. All in due time.

And who is that lurking in the corner? Sister Bagful of Laundry! I haven't forgotten you either, although I have no earthly idea when I will get to give you the quality time you deserve. The dayrunner is getting mighty full.....

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